We thought a lot before choosing the Financial WordPress Theme because we wanted to sure our investment would yield results.

Cintia Le Corre
Chairman, Harmony Corporation

We were amazed by how little effort was required on our part to have Consulting WP prepare these materials. We exchanged a few phone calls.

Amanda Seyfried
Founder & CEO, Arcade Systems

Consulting theme is an invaluable partner. Our teams have collaborated to support the growing field of practitioners using collective impact.

Donald Simpson
Chairman, Bluewater Corp

Benoit supported the localisation of the SAP core model to fit with the production activities in Ukraine, by giving the local input, being able to define the structure of the model in respect with the aim of the system which is to follow up, measure and support the continual improvement of the production performance and efficiency. His experience in Industrial controlling was an important asset to focus the design of the systems into the management of the performance. Benoit also demonstrated real management skills by dealing with the production team during the conception phase, but also later to pilot tests of the solution, trainings of future end-users, and the collaboration with the Production managers to ensure the go-live of the new system (validation of settings of the new systems, impacts on processes and organization, inventory transfer, transfer of activities from the former information system to the new systems).

He demonstrated during the all project period a strong capacity to mobilize an impressive enthousiasm and energy to support and drive the change (the new system generates new processes, new organizations and new ways to achieve the job, and a large part of the challenge is to ensure acceptance and support these changes).

Jean-Christophe GAUTHIER
Business Process Owner Physical Distribution, Bel Ukraine

I worked with Benoit particularly in the context of the budget preparation of the plant as well as for the implementation of the industrial KPIs including efficient reporting tools in production. Benoit demonstrated strong commitment and relevant analytical mind. He had very good communication with all services and for sure positive mindset. His proposals and initiative abilities helped us a lot.

Former Plant Manager, Bel Ukraine

J’ai fait appel aux compétences de Benoit dans un premier temps pour analyser la performance de l’entreprise que je dirige.
De son analyse, j’ai pu mettre en place diverses stratégies commerciales en ayant pour focus principal leur rentabilité, point faible mis en valeur dans son compte rendu. Le succès est aujourd’hui au rendez-vous avec une augmentation globale des marges des prestations vendues.
Certains marchés ont été abandonnés au profit de marchés plus rentables.
Dans un second temps Benoit m’a accompagné dans la mise en place d’une stratégie d’utilisation de LinkedIn. Celle-ci se fait progressivement car la tâche est immense !
Je n’ai cependant aucun doute sur les résultats escomptés d’ici la fin de l’exercice comptable de l’entreprise.
Benoit est un jeune entrepreneur audacieux, qui a l’esprit très vif. Il possède cette capacité de créer des liens entre des concepts qui n’en ont pas au départ. Son esprit arborescent est un réel atout pour brainstormer sur le développement des entreprises qui ont pour volonté de s’affranchir des marchés qui se battent pour les prix.
Si vous aussi vous êtes un entrepreneur audacieux, je vous le recommande vivement !

Mariane LÉGER
Gérant, Yumé Péma

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